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@fp51/foldable-helpers - v1.0.0


Continuous integration

Helpers to fold on things

While we recommend using @fp51/foldable-helpers with Typescript, it can be used in standard Javascript apps.

💻 Usage

First, install the library:

yarn add @fp51/foldable-helpers

📖 Documentation

Classic fold - createFold

You have a sum type and the type guards for each of the types. For example:

type T = A | B | C;

function isA(t: T): t is A { ... };
function isB(t: T): t is B { ... };
function isC(t: T): t is C { ... };

To create a fold function to fold on T, use createFold

import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/es6/pipeable';

import { createFold } from '@fp51/foldable-helpers';

const foldOnT = createFold(isA, isB, isC);

const t: T = ...;

(tbis) => console.log('executed when t is A', { tbis }),
(tbis) => console.log('executed when t is B', { tbis }),
(tbis) => console.log('executed when t is C', { tbis }),

Named fold - createFoldObject

Classic fold is very useful but could become hard to read when we have more than 3-4 types to fold on. Because we don't have named parameters in JS/Typescript, we have to use something else.

You still have a sum type and the type guards for each of the types. For example:

type T = A | B | C;

function isA(t: T): t is A { ... };
function isB(t: T): t is B { ... };
function isC(t: T): t is C { ... };

To create a named fold function to fold on T without loosing readability, use createFoldObject. You choose the name of each fold function by passing an object.

import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/es6/pipeable';

import { createFoldObject } from '@fp51/foldable-helpers';

const foldOnT = createFoldObject({
onA: isA,
onB: isB,
onC: isC

const t: T = ...;

onA: (tbis) => console.log('executed when t is A', { tbis }),
onB: (tbis) => console.log('executed when t is B', { tbis }),
onC: (tbis) => console.log('executed when t is C', { tbis }),


When using fold you will probably encounter cases where a type is a combination (intersection) of different guards. To reduce the boilerplate having to write each combination by hand you can use the and helper.

type A = { a: string };
type B = { b: number };

const isTypeA = (value: any): value is A =>
value != null && typeof value.a === 'string';

const isTypeB = (value: any): value is B =>
value != null && typeof value.b === 'number';

const oldIsTypeAAndB = (value: any): value is A & B =>
isTypeA(value) && isTypeB(value);

// isTypeAAndB :: (t: any) => t is A & B
const isTypeAAndB = and(isTypeA, isTypeB);


When using fold you will probably encounter cases where a type is part of an union of different guards. To reduce the boilerplate having to write each combination by hand you can use the or helper.

type A = { a: string };
type B = { b: number };

const isTypeA = (value: any): value is A =>
value != null && typeof value.a === 'string';

const isTypeB = (value: any): value is B =>
value != null && typeof value.b === 'number';

const oldIsTypeAOrB = (value: any): value is A | B =>
isTypeA(value) || isTypeB(value);

// isTypeAOrB :: (t: any) => t is A | B
const isTypeAOrB = or(isTypeA, isTypeB);


When using createFold you need to make sure that each guard mutually excludes the others but it can sometimes be painfull if one type depends on another, therefore we let you use the not operator to exclude a guard

type TypeA = { a: string };
type TypeB = { a: 'test' };

const isTypeA = (value: {a: unknown}): value is TypeA => typeof value.a === 'string';
const isTypeB = (value: TypeA): value is TypeB => value.a === 'test';

const fold = createFoldObject({
onTypeA: combineGuards(isTypeA, not(isTypeB)),
onTypeB: isTypeB,

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